Center for Multimodal Neuroimaging

Center for Multimodal Neuroimaging

The CMN duties:

  • Holding quarterly meetings with collaborative Cores and Teams.
  • Identifying technical and thematic overlap and complementarity among the Cores and Teams.
  • Stimulating research using multi-modal techniques.
  • Aiding in sharing resources and data, enhancing user options, and opening up novel avenues of research.
  • Maintaining this website which will serve as a clearinghouse of available links, references, and tools that apply across all the Cores and Teams.

Mission Statement

The NIMH has a wealth of expertise in neuroimaging, data processing, and neuromodulation, and has an even larger number of investigators that would stand to benefit from enhanced access, harmonized data formats, the opportunity for collaboration, and simply more communication across core facilities.

The goal of the CMN is to bring together NIMH neuroimaging, processing, and neuromodulation expertise so that communication channels are further enhanced between cores, sections, units, individual staff scientists, and, importantly, users. The goals of this level of integration would be to foster collaborative bridges, create a centralized view of what’s available to users, generate questions that lend themselves to cross-modal investigation and integration, allow efficient exchange of practical information and new ideas.

Collaborators of the CMN include the NIMH-based Core Facilities in neuroimaging, image data processing, neuromodulation as well as the Machine Learning and Data Sharing Teams. It is hoped that users of these facilities will further benefit from the increased communication and synergy that the CMN brings.

Operationally, each Core and Team in the Center functions independent entity. The CMN will have bimonthly meetings focused on practicalities such as a creation of a harmonized data structure and processing methods to allow multimodal integration of data across modalities and to promote data sharing. This website has been created to enhance Core and Team visibility and to provide practical information on what’s available.

Peter Bandettini, Ph.D.

Peter Bandettini, Ph.D. Director



Dr. Bandettini is Chief of the Section on Functional Imaging Methods in the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition of the Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health, National  Institutes of Health. He is also the director of the Functional MRI Core Facility which provides functional MRI support to NIMH, NINDS and several other institutes at the NIMH.  

Peter J. Molfese, Ph.D.

Science Lead
Peter J. Molfese, Ph.D., Science Lead



Dr. Molfese specializes in quantitative methods (Multivariate Statistics, Structural Equations Modeling, Multi-Level Modeling, and Machine Learning) and the integration of multi-modal neuroimaging methods (fMRI, EEG, MEG, and NIRS).