PET and fMRI provide two separate and partially overlapping methods for neuroimaging. While PET relies on metabolic processing as measured by the dissipation of radioactive isotopes, MRI measures changes in blood oxygenation level (BOLD). Each method is useful for providing a quantitative metrics for brain function and dysfunction useful in the diagnosis and understanding of clinical brain disorders and normal development. The combination of methods adds values where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Specific Aims
Provide the NIMH community with a comprehensive overview of the latest developments, opportunities, and future directions in using combined PET-MRI for neuroimaging Invigorate discussion and use of PET-MRI neuroimaging within the NIH/NIMH communities as well as potential implications for clinical diagnoses and treatments Serve as a catalyst for collaborations between NIMH researchers and extramural experts studying using PET-MRI imaging to study clinical problems and advancing basic research knowledge. The workshop will be divided into two sections: (1) Individual lectures showcasing the use of combined PET-MRI neuroimaging with a particular focus on either theoretical insights, or methodological advances; (2) An open panel of the future of PET-MRI neuroimaging and identifying the necessary steps or evolution of data collection, analysis, and interpretation for the future good of neuroscience research.