Center for Multimodal Neuroimaging

Chris Gorgolewski

Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience
Recent Talks
Events in February 2017

Towards open and reproducible neuroscience in the age of big data

The Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience (CRN) was founded to develop a number of initiatives to help to make neuroscience more open and reproducible. These initiatives include influencing the scientific culture (e.g. The OHBM Replication Award), introducing new standards for organizing neuroimaging data (BIDS) and software (BIDS Apps) as well as building tools to assess MRI quality (MRIQC) and perform robust preprocessing of fMRI data (FMRIPREP). Tying all of those efforts together, as well as capitalizing on the experience gained from OpenfMRI and NeuroVault, is the upcoming OpenNeuro project. This novel software-as-a-service platform seeks to harness the power of high-performance computers to provide free data analysis in exchange for making data publicly available.